PICK UP WRISTBANDS at The Venue Box Office - 1146 Bethel Street in Chinatown. Box Office will be open from 4pm-10pm.
Tickets will be available at the door for $15, however we will likely sell out, so get them now at www.vitalculture.com/hawaiizombiecrawl
PUB CRAWL START TIME This year we have no pub crawl itinerary. There are just too many damn zombies!! You try and get mindless walking mangled dead to follow an itinerary - good luck! YOU WILL GET ALL INFO FOR THE EVENINGS DEBAUCHERY WITH YOUR WRISTBAND AT THE VENUE BOX OFFICE. Drink specials will start at 6pm. Most entertainment will start around 9pm. We will have start times for entertainment listed on our home page. Start times are tentative so don't chew your hands off. You may want to participate in the BODY PART SCAVENGER HUNT so come early to WIN an AWESOME prize by JAGERMEISTER who is sponsoring our event this year!!
MAKE-UP artists will be at The Venue from 4pm-8pm. If you want a GUARANTEED spot with an artist, COME EARLY, or make an appointment. We will have 2 lines, one for appointments, and one for walk-ins. Last year lines were long so be prepared to be patient zombies. Bambu Two cocktail servers will be ready to serve elixirs to smooth over any potential unrest - we don't want you gnawing on arms or fingers while you wait! To make an appointment for make-up, please email us at info@hawaiizombiecrawl.com and we will put your name on an appointment list.
COSTUME CONTEST will be at The Venue at MIDNIGHT. Get ready to go zombie crazy. The audience is the judge. Last year Zombie Steve Jobs won first place and $100 bucks CASH (Steve Jobs had just passed....). The Mangled Corpse Bride was runner up - Her jaw was falling off. Be smart about your costume or get gory. It's your chance to please the crowd. This year we will be giving away another $100 cash prize for 1st place and fun zombie treats for runner ups.
Body Part SCAVENGER HUNT info will be given to you when you get your wristband. There will be a list of BODY PARTS to retrieve from each participating bar. There will be only 1 coffin. In order to win 1st place, you must find the coffin. We are giving away an AWESOME PRIZE from JAGERMEISTER. The hunt starts as soon as you get there... Give yourself more time if you want to be the first to retrieve the coffin! Turn in your body parts at 12am at The Venue... Winners will be announced soon there after.
Zombie DANCE CONTEST will be held at NEXT DOOR at 11pm. How do zombies dance? Do your best interpretation - Win CASH PRIZES!!!!
What in the world? We thought you'd never ask! It's the unleashing of the living dead... a pub crawl, for ZOMBIES!! This is not the first Zombie Pub Crawl (in the world)... zombie crawls and walks are gaining popularity and can be found around the world!
Do I have to dress like a zombie? Yes, of course! If you don't, zombies will eat your braaaaaaains!!!
What do zombies wear? You can be any type of zombie you want. Dress in character, be famous, be anything and be a zombie. It will help if you rip your clothes, bury them, and zombify your face (at least) with make-up and fake-blood. Give yourself a fresh bite and walk around in search of brains like any good zombie should.
What do I bring? This is a pub crawl, so bring ID to verify your age. You WILL get carded (2 forms of ID will help to identify your rotting corpse). All bars have the right to refuse service for any reason so be on your best behavior and bring CASH to tip your bartenders!!
When is the pub crawl? Saturday October 13th 2012, 6pm
Where does it start? The Venue
Why do I need a wristband? It will help to get you BRAAAAAAAAIIINNNSS.... We wouldn't want you to starve.. Really, your wristband gains you FREE ENTRY into all participating venues , particularly MUSIC VENUES, including our grand finale with GO JIMMY GO and EXCLUSIVE DRINK SPECIALS. Also, a chance to participate in our BODY PART SCAVENGER HUNT and COSTUME CONTEST for CASH PRIZES!!
Is there an age restriction? Yes, you must be 21 with ID to participate. We look forward to bringing all-aged zombie crawl events to you in the future.
Can I get my make-up done by professionals? Yes! We will have a few make-up artists on hand to give you some zombie sass or totally zombify you, but come early because we cannot guarantee a spot with an artist as it is first come first serve. Make-up artists will be at The Venue from 4pm-8pm the night of the Crawl.
How much does make-up cost? Services range from $10-$50. Please see our make-up page.
What bars will we go to? Read the homepage, silly zombie!
What time does the crawl end? ....Braaaaaaaaaaainnss...
Can I bring a camera? Yes! Post pictures of your mortifying experience online and share them with us at photobucket.com/hawaiizombiecrawl or on facebook!
What else do I need to know? Last years event SOLD OUT because the contagion spreads FAST... so get your tickets early! Be WISE and eat something besides BRAAAAINS to prepare for the full night ahead! You will thank yourself later, and your friends will thank you too. Also, DRINK RESPONSIBLY: Please arrange for transportation to the crawl or get a hotel room. We want you to remain alive (even if you are the un-dead)!
What shouldn't we do? DON'T be deliberately rude or scare on-lookers or children! Just because your dead doesn't mean you can be a douche! Let's be cool zombies, okay?! DON'T damage property by being negligent! Beware of your fake blood and the mess it can leave! Have some respect for the venues that let us in, and for those around you. DON'T bring weapons! It's not a real apocalypse so don't bring real weapons! (You will get arrested! duh!)
I have more questions, how do I contact you? Shoot us an email at info@hawaiizombiecrawl.com, and we'll get back to you.