Rumors have been told of an event of EPIC proportions nearing the end of 2012... This time we are not going to party like it's 1999... in Chinatown on Saturday OCtober 13th, Hawaii Zombie Crawl presents ZOmbie Apocalypse 2012!! The living dead will rise again to sprawl across Chinatown in search of Grooves, Booze and Braaaaaaaaains!!!!
The clamor of brain hungry hordes will be met with live music, dance grooves and exclusive drink specials at participating venues -Next Door, 39 Hotel, Bar 35, Downbeat Diner, Indigo, The Dragon Upstairs, Hanks, O'Toole's, JJ Dolan's, Mercury Bar, Bambu Two, The Venue -
Arising to resurrect the Zombie Jamboree for the Pub Crawl Finale are Rock-Steady Kings Go Jimmy Go and Special Guest Rockers Francis Knife at The Venue. Rocking non-stop at Indigo's Opium Den is Black Square and Pimpbot. the groove keeps moving at Next Door with 'Zombie Nation' EDM dance party w/ DJ'S mASS FUNK -eLECTRO/HOUSE-, J-Rod -Hardstyle-, Dallas Debauch -Electro/House-, J-Fine -Dubstep- and more...
Don't miss the chance to Participate in our COSTUME CONTEST and our Body Part SCAVENGER HUNT. Meet at The Venue at Midnight to Win CASH PRIZES and plenty of grey matter treats for runner ups!!
This years event is sponsored by Jagermeister! The jager girls will be out and about to spice up the fun! Also, rolling on through are the zombie gals from Aloha City Rollers! Zombie's on skates.. better run!!
Make-up Artists will be available at The Venue from 4pm-8pm to turn rotten even the most smitten... Starting at $10 for Freshly Bitten to $50 for a Rotting Corpse.
Get your tickets now before they're gone!! Last years event sold out. $13
The Venue
Fancis Knife 10:30pm
Scavenger Hunt End 12am
Costume Contest 12am
Go Jimmy Go 12:15am
Next Door
Zombie Nation...
EDM party 8pm-2am
Zombie dance contest 11pm
Black Square 9pm
Pimpbot 11pm
Doolin Rakes 9pm
The Dragon Upstairs
Mercury Bar
Dr. Sketchy's Scary Marys 9pm
Bambu Two
DJ Dirty Rice
JJ Dolan's
pizza ! Brains ! Pizza ! Brains ! Brains ! Pizza !
Downbeat Diner
Corn Dogs, Hot Dogs, Chili Dogs, Chili ! Brains !
$3 PBR's
Bar 35
Caribbean beats 9pm
39 Hotel
India mania 9pm